The FACE: Model Harry Uzoka Stripped Bare

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    Several models are known for the most prominent assets, some are called the body or legs lmao and some the FACE. Safe to say that London town boy Harry Uzoka fits into the 'Face' posse with his striking looks that possess the dual quality of appearing soft yet mature. Harry speaks to Men's FSA about modeling and his goals for the future.
    What are your full names?

    Haha not many people know this at all but Harry Osuya Ugochukwu Uzoka :)

    Whats your ethnicity?


    How were u scouted?

    My brother used to model and took me in with him one day where my booker Simon Worgan saw me and signed me on the spot

     What's your favorite thing about modeling?

    Modelling itself I love trying all the clothes different poses and stuff .. Then seeing the final outcome soo much fun ..

    What part of your body do you consider as your most valuable asset as regards your work?

    My face I guess .. I don't think it's all that but others say its good that I can look really young and  soft but also strong and mature in pictures

    What's your guiltiest pleasure?

    Sweeetiesssss!! Lol I love sweets man but it's soo bad for me :(

    What can't you live without and why?

    My iPad .. It's ,y everything literally .. My Internet .. My tv .. My schedule .. Journey planner and twitter :p lol

    Asides modeling what other creative stuff are you into?

    I love football and wish I could play more but modellings all I have time for at the moment . Arsenals my team

     If you could have one super power what would it be and why?

    it would be to influence peoples thoughts by looking into their eyes and telepathically telling them what to think and do .. Why? To book every casting I go to haha

    IF you could change one thing in the world, what would it be and why?

    To give everyone a 100% positive and clear mindset .. There's soo much wasted talent due to people thinking there not good enough or because of obstacles they think they can't overcome ..i find that soo sad .. We can all achieve whatever we want to, nothing's impossible

    This by far is my favorite photo ever taken of Harry so i thought to play around with it and put it through various filters, and it held its ground.